Moving house: Why have a survey?

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The purchase of your own home is generally regarded as the biggest financial outlay you will ever make. Homebuyers must realise why it is so important to have a survey to advise as to whether the property is free from significant defect and associated expense.

Money wisely spent on a survey can save the need to spend thousands on repairs or replacement. Your survey will also be a useful negotiating tool to further reduce the price you pay when you buy a new house. If no significant repairs or expenditure are required then at least you have peace of mind.

REMEMBER! It is too late to negotiate a price once you have exchanged contracts.

When buying a home or moving house you should never rely solely on a mortgage valuation. The lenders themselves state within their terms and conditions that this should not be done. Take your time to consider the benefits of each type of survey and which type would best suit your needs when moving house.

This content was provided by MAP Surveyors


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